ABOUT US » Mission & Vision Statements

Mission & Vision Statements


Vision: The Boys Academic Leadership Academy of Los Angeles (BALA) will provide boys with a clear pathway to college in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Boys will graduate from BALA with the academic and personal skills to succeed, with collaborative and compassionate leadership skills, and with a sense of self and responsibility to their community.

Mission: BALA will provide a highly rigorous college preparatory education in an all-boys environment based on voluntary enrollment that fosters academic excellence, ethical leadership, a sense of responsibility to each other, and intellectual curiosity. BALA instills the core values of excellence, leadership, and wellness throughout the school.


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The essence of BALA’s STEAM-focused (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) school and its mission to address the underachievement of young men of color is dependent upon a single-gender model.

Without a single-sex environment, the essence of the BALA educational program would be undermined, and the achievement gap that currently exists in the District’s coeducational schools will be unaddressed.

BALA seeks to increase interest, participation, and achievement of young men of color in STEAM-related fields in an environment that research has shown will improve boys’ academic achievement. Accordingly, single- gender admission is reasonably necessary to effectuate the goals and the normal operations of BALA.