PARENTS » Volunteer




School volunteers enable teachers to provide students with individualized instruction and enrichment activities by offering them volunteers to assist in classrooms, thereby allowing teachers to give special attention to students needing more help.

To free other school personnel to meet the needs of students more effectively by providing volunteer assistance.

To strengthen school-community relations by providing a menu of opportunities for interested parents and community members to participate effectively in school programs.

To help parents and community members learn more about District and school objectives/programs by providing volunteer orientations and training.

To introduce school volunteerism to corporations holding a personal stake in the success of our students and the future workforce.

To broaden students experiences through interaction with volunteers by providing adult role models to assist the students with tutoring and mentor opportunities.

To provide enriching intergenerational experiences for students and senior citizens who help educate students about the lifelong process of growing up


Parents, students, individuals from the private sector and business community. People of all ages, from all walks of life who share an interest in helping children.

People who feel the need to support and help the schools in their effort to educate each child to meet his or her full potential.

Those individuals who recognize that well-educated children are our greatest natural resource.

Anyone who has a skill or talent that can enrich the school program.

Someone who wants to learn about their own community and help to create better conditions.

People who want to experience the rich satisfaction of helping children.


Be dependable and punctual.

Have a positive attitude and be enthusiastic and cheerful.

Set good examples for students.

Like children and show it.

Work cooperatively with school personnel.

Be flexible.

Wear a volunteer identification name tag or badge at all times.

Sign in and out at the beginning and end of each daily volunteer assignment.

Let the teacher or person in charge know how the volunteer assignment is progressing.

Praise the students honestly and frequently.

Call the school if you cannot complete your volunteer service for the day.



Find a book or story that your student is interested in. Discuss what you read. Sit beside the student if possible so they can read over your shoulder. If the student can see what you're reading it will help him recognize words. Talk about what you've read. Use questions that will help increase their comprehension.

Listen to your student read.

Play games with your student.

Help your student get a library card from the public library nearest you.

Encourage the student to go to the library as often as possible.

Talk to your student about subjects that are interesting to him or her.

Listen to your student.



Use games to encourage drill.

Don't assume too much about your student; make sure he or she recognizes the different numbers before going to more difficult exercises.

Try a novel approach to learning multiplication tables; try relating the learning to something the student is interested in. A certain amount of drill is unavoidable, but keeping charts of the student's progress may help keep his or her interest and motivation up.

Get the student physically involved by providing sticks or buttons for him or her to work with in solving problems. Have fun with learning games!

Try to devise practical problems for the child to solve, i.e. what is the shortest route form school to your home?


Local school staff must mail/fax/ or e-mail copies of the completed LAUSD School Volunteer Applications signed by the principal and volunteer to the:

Parent Community Services Branch

1360 West Temple Street

Los Angeles, CA 90026

FAX (213) 481-3392

Phone: (213) 481-3350


Incomplete applications received without State Education Code requirements will be returned to the school for correction.

Mandatory Volunteer Application Processing:

All LAUSD volunteers must complete an LAUSD School Volunteer Application, signed by the principal

(click here to download an English LAUSD School Volunteer Application in pdf)

(click here to download a Spanish LAUSD School Volunteer Application in pdf)


Volunteers serving at more than one LAUSD school must have a completed application, for each school, on file at the Parent Community Services Branch.


This processing excludes volunteers who assist in one-time activities such as chaperoning proms or field trips; providing clerical functions; one-time speaking engagements; conducting job-shadowing events or other one-time activities at the school where the volunteer will have limited contact with students or staff and will be supervised by a District certificated employee. All volunteers must sign-in at the school office each time they enter the school premises.


Tuberculosis Clearance Requirements:

In addition to a completed School Volunteer Application, tuberculosis clearance must take place within a six-month period prior to beginning a volunteer assignment.

Volunteers must have written documentation of tuberculosis clearance on file at the school prior to beginning an assignment.


(click here to download an English LAUSD Tuberculosis Clearance Form in pdf)


(click here to download a Spanish LAUSD Tuberculosis Clearance Form in pdf)




Fingerprinting Requirements (Background Clearance):


LAUSD incorporates State statutes pertaining to supervised volunteerism in public schools. Fingerprinting by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is required for the following volunteers:

ALL individuals volunteering in childcare centers must complete fingerprinting prior to their assignment in a facility and prior to having any contact with children.

Mentors and one-on-one tutors.

Non-employee volunteer coaches.

School administrators who provide volunteer and mentoring programs at their schools where there is no direct supervision by an LAUSD credentialed employee must ensure that fingerprints by the DOJ and FBI are completed prior to beginning the volunteer assignment.


To volunteer at your local school, contact the school administrator or the Parent Volunteer Coordinator.


For more information about volunteering within LAUSD contact the Parent Community Services Branch at (213) 481-3350.