Graduation Requirements
LAUSD Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2017+
B. English
4 Years
40 credits |
English 9AB |
C. Math
3 Years
30 Credits |
Algebra 1 |
D. Physical Science
1 Year |
Chemistry AB |
D. Biological Science
1 Year |
Biology AB
A. Social Science
3 Years
30 Credits |
World History AB |
E. Language other than English
20 Credits
Foreign Language 1AB |
F. Visual and/or Performing Arts
1 Year
10 Credits |
Art AB |
CDE. Physical Education
2 Years
20 Credits |
Advanced Physical Education 1AB |
CDE. Health
1 Semester |
Health Class
LAUSD. Elective
35 Credits |
All other classes
Total Credits
210 Credits Minimum |
210 Credits is only a minimum.
LAUSD. Career Pathways
Student chooses a Career Pathway
LAUSD. Service Learning
Needed |
Project completed in junior and senior year of advisory